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Category Archives: Funding

The Office of Title IX invites applicants for a Graduate Assistant position who will assist the Title IX staff in their Title IX commitment, which emphasizes five key areas: policy, prevention and education, supportive measures, investigations and resolutions, and monitoring patterns and trends. 

For one more week applications will be accepted for the Spring 2025 Graduate Student Research Awards (GSRA). The deadline to submit proposals […]

The Graduate Student Senate has a travel awards program to provide support for graduate and professional students who will be presenting research on behalf of UT at in person or virtual professional conferences.

Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2025 Graduate Student Research Awards (GSRA). These awards are used to advance the scholarship […]

Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2024 Graduate Student Research Awards (GSRA). These awards are used to advance the scholarship of graduate students pursuing research and creative activities.

The Graduate Student Research Awards are used to advance the scholarship of graduate students and faculty working in partnership. Grants […]

Awards for the Endowed Graduate Fellowships and the Carolyn R. Hodges Graduate Fellowship offered by the Graduate School have been distributed.

Due to service outages with the form from Dynamic Forms, The new deadline that applications must be summitted by is Friday, April 26, 2024.

If you plan to travel to a professional meeting between May 1 and August 31, GSS will accept applications until Friday, April 12, 2024.