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Category Archives: Graduate School News

If you’ve already completed the rest of the requirements for the early spring deadline, don’t forget January 12, 2024.

Hunter A. Hammock, graduating with a PhD, is the featured speaker for the Fall 2023 Graduate Hooding Ceremony.

December 1 is a major deadline for all students intending on graduating this fall. Make sure to submit required material by this date.

The Ombuds Office is offering a Conflict Dynamic Profile workshop on Nov. 15 and a Psychologically Safe Working Environment on Nov. 29

Graduate students planning on graduating fall 2023 must defend their thesis or dissertation by November 10.

On November 1 at 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Executive Director of Fulbright Hungary, will be at UT to meet with students.

On October 27, Mariah Stewart, a Boren representative, will be in Student Union to present and answer questions on the Boren Fellowship.

If you’re a doctoral candidate, you need to be sure to submit your scheduling defense of dissertation form by October 27.

Format Chat is a virtual workshop to help you with preparing your thesis or dissertation for publication with UT.

UT-ORII is accepting proposals for the GATE fellowship. This fellowship is a 12-month GRA appointment including a $34,000 stipend plus other benefits.