The Graduate School is seeking applicant proposals for the Student/Faculty Research Awards.
Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to student-faculty pairs to support research or creative projects. The funds may be used to purchase supplies needed for research; for travel to work in other laboratories, libraries, or archives; for specialized training; or in a variety of other ways, so long as the outcome will be the professional development of the graduate student and the advancement of an identified research/creative agenda of both the student and faculty member.
The deadlines for proposals are October 28 and January 17. Applications require both a graduate student principal investigator and a faculty principal investigator and must include endorsement letters from the department as well as the college.
A subcommittee of the Graduate Council, along with the vice provost and dean of the Graduate School and a representative from the Office of Research and Engagement, will evaluate proposals and make awards.
Get more information and detailed instructions on how to create and submit a proposal.