The Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, is a regional and national resource for veterinary laboratory diagnostics, biomedical discovery, public health, and the human-animal bond. They are now seeking a highly motivated student interested in pursuing a PhD in One Health/infectious disease research, specifically how occurrence and transmission of tick-borne diseases are influenced by intricate host-pathogen interactions along the human-animal-environment interface.
The position will offer a 3-year Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) beginning fall 2024. The GRA position is a 50% Full Time Equivalent (FTE) and includes full tuition and fee waiver as well as health insurance coverage. Continuation of the assistantship will be dependent on satisfactory performance.
The student will acquire skills in evidence synthesis, survey and study design, microbiome analysis, data analysis (both qualitative and quantitative), spatial epidemiology, public health, and tick ecology.
Required Qualifications
- professional degree and master’s in veterinary medicine, public health, epidemiology, or ecology of infectious diseases
- excellent verbal, written, interpersonal and organizational skills and the ability to work independently
Preferred Qualifications
- data analysis experience in at least one of the following statistical packages R, Stata, SAS
- some publication history
- experience with animal handling, community engagement or molecular lab techniques or strong willingness to work in such settings
Screening Process
Screening of candidates will begin October 20, 2023, and continue until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is August 1, 2024. Please submit the following to
- CV
- cover Letter and personal statement
- name, telephone numbers, and email addresses of three references
The successful candidate will be required to formally apply to the University of Tennessee Graduate School as well as the Comparative and Experimental Medicine Program to be considered for admission into the PhD program.
For further information about the position, please contact Prof. M. Mahero at or 865-974-3945.