Ever tried talking to friends or family about the work that you do as a graduate student researcher? Or maybe anyone outside of your field of expertise? Wouldn’t it be nice to find a way to help them understand what you do in a way that doesn’t result a polite smile and glazed look? The What’s Your Work About? series aims to help you with that.
Learning how to communicate your research is invaluable in terms of your professional development and can be an important part of your career as a graduate student and beyond. Join us in this five-week program to develop your written, visual, and spoken communication skills. This program brings together Graduate and Professional Student Professional Development (GPSPD) partners from the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center, the UT Libraries, and the Graduate School to help you as you answer the question “What’s Your Work About?”
All sessions (starting August 29 from 5:30p.m. until 7:00p.m.) will take place in person in the Haslam Business Building, West Wing, and on Zoom accessed through a Canvas course available to registered attendees. These sessions will be recorded and accessible through the course for those unable to attend the live session.
Registration is now open and will remain open until August 25. Learn more about the schedule of sessions.
Contact Sean Hendricks (shendrick@utk.edu) with any questions.