All electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) accepted by the Graduate School must include a title page in which the title of the document is centered at the top of the page, the degree statement centered in the middle of the page, and student’s name and month and year of graduation centered at the bottom of the page.
These sections must have the following properties:
- The title should be identical to the title on the approval sheet and in TRACE in every way, including capitalization.
- The title may not contain any characters that cannot be found on a typical English language keyboard. Use word substitutes in place of these characters, including but not limited to: formulas, symbols, superscripts/subscripts, and Greek letters.
- The student’s name must appear as registered at UT.
- There must not be a comma between the month of graduation and year of graduation (eg., “May 2011” not “May, 2011”).
- The only possible graduation months are May (Spring), August (Summer), and December (Fall).
- The title page is assigned the page number “i”, but this should not be visible on the page.