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Revised Admission to Candidacy — Master’s or Specialist Degree

Use this form when you have submitted your admission to candidacy to a Master’s or Specialist in Education degree, but need to revise your candidacy in one of two ways:

  • You need to add to or remove classes from your candidacy.
  • You need to add to or remove members from your committee.

If you are in a program that is course-only and does not require a comprehensive exam, please use the Revised Admission to Candidacy—Master’s/EdS (Course-Only, No Comprehensive Exam) form.

Download the Form


  1. Fill out all fields on the form, using any of the add or remove fields, as necessary.
  2. You will need to get your own signature, the signatures of any committee members being added or removed, your major professor, and the Director of Graduate Studies for your program (if there are committee changes being made). To use electronic signatures, use Adobe Acrobat Reader to apply your signature and then send to each person in turn (do not send to all signees at the same time) to have them apply their electronic signature and return it to you. If you are unable to collect electronic signatures, your committee can sign/type/stamp the form, but the completed form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the department (no student submissions will be accepted).
  3. Once all signatures have been collected, email it to your major professor or departmental administrative assistant so that they can email it on your behalf to The completed form cannot be accepted by the Graduate School if it is sent from a student email account; it must be sent from the email of a departmental representative.