The Postdoc Academy is an online, professional development course supported by the National Institutes of Health (R25GM121257; NOT-OD-22-057) and aligns with the NPA’s Core Competencies. The course, Succeeding as a Postdoc, provides foundational skills postdocs can use from the time they start their appointment to when they prepare for their next career steps.
Postdoc Academy participants can also join a Postdoc Academy Learning Session (PALS), weekly learning communities that allow postdocs to meet and reflect on the content in the course. PALS can be regional-, discipline-, or institutional-focused. This UT-Auburn PALS will be a collaboration between two SEC sister institutions. Senior graduate students are welcome to join in the conversation.
Please register here to get connection information.
Contact Ivonne Vidal Pizarro ( for any questions about this event.