This form should be used by students whose parents and family are applying for visas to enter the U.S. to attend the Graduate Hooding Ceremony.
Download the FormPlease submit the request for this letter at least 48 hours (2 days) in advance of date needed. You will receive an email when the letter is ready for pick up. If you have not applied to graduate and submitted all necessary forms and requirements, your request may not be processed. Please note that in the case of doctoral students who do not complete degree requirements for this semester, participation in this ceremony is not allowed.
- Fill out this form for a single family member. There should be a separate form for each family member applying for a visa.
- Print the form and fax to: Graduate School, 111 Student Services Building, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996-0211, 865-946-1090.