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Department Heads

This list is provided to assist in selecting the appropriate department head for filling out a web-based graduation form. Each department head’s NetID is provided in parentheses.

Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications
Christopher Stripling (cstripli)
Agricultural & Resource Economics
Chris Boyer (cboyer3)
Animal Science
F. Neal Schrick (fschrick)
Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Julie Carrier (dcarrie1)
Entomology & Plant Pathology
DeWayne Shoemaker (dshoema2)
Food Science
Robert C. Williams (rcw)
School of Natural Resources
Donald Hodges (dhodges2)
Plant Sciences
Gary Bates (gbates)

Carl Lostritto (clostrit)
Landscape Architecture
Gale Fulton (gfulton)

Africana Studies
Shayla C. Nunnally (snunnall)
Barbara Heath (bheath2)
Art, School of
Christopher McNulty (cmcnult1)
Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
Gladys Alexandre (galexan2)
Viktor Nemykin (vnemykin)
Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Sciences
A. Stigall (astigall)
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Jen Schweitzer (jschweit)
Misty Anderson (mganders)
Geography and Sustainability
Nicholas Nagle (nnagle)
Susan Lawrence (slawre16)
Xiaobing Feng (xfeng)
Heidi Goodrich-Blair (hgblair)
Allen Dunn (ardunn)
Physics & Astronomy
Adrian Del Maestro (agdelma)
Political Science
Brandon Prins (bprins)
Gina Owens (gowens4)
Religious Studies
Helene Sinnreich (hsinnrei)
Stephanie Bohon (sbohon)
Kenneth Martin (kmart125)
World Languages and Cultures
Luis Cano (lcano)

Accounting and Information Management
Terry Neal (tneal3)
Business Analytics and Statistics
Michael Galbreth (mgalbret)
Scott Gilpatric (sgilpatr)
Tracie Woidtke (twoidtke)
Management and Entrepreneurship
Russell Crook (tcrook)
Alex Zablah (azablah)
Supply Chain Management
John Bell (jbell46)

Advertising and Public Relations, School of
Beth Foster (ejavery)
Communication Studies, School of
Jon Hess (jonhess)
Information Sciences, School of
Abebe Rorissa (arorissa)
Journalism & Media, School of
Courtney Childers (childers)

Child and Family Studies
Spencer Olmstead (solmstea)
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Robert Kelchen (rkelchen)
Educational Psychology and Counseling
Casey Barrio (cbarrio)
Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport Studies
Zan Gao (zgao17)
Raj Vattem (dvattem)
Public Health
Thankam Sunil (tsunil)
Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management
Junehee Kwon (jkwon7)
Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Lynn Hodge (lhodge4)

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Arthur Ragauskas (aragausk)
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Chris Cox (ccox9)
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Garrett Rose (grose4)
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Mingzhou Jin (mjin4)
Materials Science & Engineering
Philip Rack (prack)
Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering
Kivanc Ekici (ekici)
Nuclear Engineering
Brian Wirth (bdwirth)

Lonnie Brown (lbrow139)

Director of Graduate Studies (Acting as Department Head for Graduation Forms)
Allyson Neal (aneal7)

Associate Dean
Javonda Williams Moss (jwill488)

Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences
Kim Newkirk (knewkirk)
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Carla Sommardahl (csommard)
Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Diane Hendrix (dhendrix)

Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education
Brynn Voy (bhjones), UT-ORII Education Director
Comparative and Experimental Medicine
Agricola Odoi (aodoi), Director of Graduate Studies