This list is provided to assist in selecting the appropriate department head for filling out a web-based graduation form. Each department head’s NetID is provided in parentheses.
- Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications
- Christopher Stripling (cstripli)
- Agricultural & Resource Economics
- Chris Boyer (cboyer3)
- Animal Science
- F. Neal Schrick (fschrick)
- Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
- Julie Carrier (dcarrie1)
- Entomology & Plant Pathology
- DeWayne Shoemaker (dshoema2)
- Food Science
- Robert C. Williams (rcw)
- School of Natural Resources
- Donald Hodges (dhodges2)
- Plant Sciences
- Gary Bates (gbates)
- Architecture
- Carl Lostritto (clostrit)
- Landscape Architecture
- Gale Fulton (gfulton)
- Africana Studies
- Shayla C. Nunnally (snunnall)
- Anthropology
- Barbara Heath (bheath2)
- Art, School of
- Christopher McNulty (cmcnult1)
- Biochemistry, Cellular & Molecular Biology
- Gladys Alexandre (galexan2)
- Chemistry
- Viktor Nemykin (vnemykin)
- Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Sciences
- A. Stigall (astigall)
- Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Jen Schweitzer (jschweit)
- English
- Misty Anderson (mganders)
- Geography and Sustainability
- Nicholas Nagle (nnagle)
- History
- Susan Lawrence (slawre16)
- Mathematics
- Xiaobing Feng (xfeng)
- Microbiology
- Heidi Goodrich-Blair (hgblair)
- Philosophy
- Allen Dunn (ardunn)
- Physics & Astronomy
- Adrian Del Maestro (agdelma)
- Political Science
- Brandon Prins (bprins)
- Psychology
- Gina Owens (gowens4)
- Religious Studies
- Helene Sinnreich (hsinnrei)
- Sociology
- Stephanie Bohon (sbohon)
- Theatre
- Kenneth Martin (kmart125)
- World Languages and Cultures
- Luis Cano (lcano)
- Accounting and Information Management
- Terry Neal (tneal3)
- Business Analytics and Statistics
- Michael Galbreth (mgalbret)
- Economics
- Scott Gilpatric (sgilpatr)
- Finance
- Tracie Woidtke (twoidtke)
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Russell Crook (tcrook)
- Marketing
- Alex Zablah (azablah)
- Supply Chain Management
- John Bell (jbell46)
- Advertising and Public Relations, School of
- Beth Foster (ejavery)
- Communication Studies, School of
- Jon Hess (jonhess)
- Information Sciences, School of
- Abebe Rorissa (arorissa)
- Journalism & Media, School of
- Courtney Childers (childers)
- Child and Family Studies
- Spencer Olmstead (solmstea)
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- Robert Kelchen (rkelchen)
- Educational Psychology and Counseling
- Casey Barrio (cbarrio)
- Kinesiology, Recreation, & Sport Studies
- Zan Gao (zgao17)
- Nutrition
- Raj Vattem (dvattem)
- Public Health
- Thankam Sunil (tsunil)
- Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management
- Junehee Kwon (jkwon7)
- Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
- Lynn Hodge (lhodge4)
- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Arthur Ragauskas (aragausk)
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Chris Cox (ccox9)
- Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
- Garrett Rose (grose4)
- Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Mingzhou Jin (mjin4)
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Philip Rack (prack)
- Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering
- Kivanc Ekici (ekici)
- Nuclear Engineering
- Brian Wirth (bdwirth)
- Dean
- Lonnie Brown (lbrow139)
- Director of Graduate Studies (Acting as Department Head for Graduation Forms)
- Allyson Neal (aneal7)
- Associate Dean
- Javonda Williams Moss (jwill488)
- Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences
- Kim Newkirk (knewkirk)
- Large Animal Clinical Sciences
- Carla Sommardahl (csommard)
- Small Animal Clinical Sciences
- Diane Hendrix (dhendrix)
- Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education
- Brynn Voy (bhjones), UT-ORII Education Director
- Comparative and Experimental Medicine
- Agricola Odoi (aodoi), Director of Graduate Studies