Each academic department or program has designated a tenured or tenure-track faculty member who is the director of graduate studies. This individual, with the assistance of the other graduate faculty, is responsible for the administration of the graduate program(s) in the department/unit and also serves as the contact person with the Graduate School.
- Architecture—Jennifer Akerman (jakerman)—jakerman@utk.edu
- Landscape Architecture—Gale Fulton (gfulton)—gfulton@utk.edu
- Africana Studies—Shayla Nunnally (snunnall)—snunnall@utk.edu
- Anthropology—Graciela Cabana (gcabana)—anthdgs@utk.edu
- BCMB—Elena Shpak (eshpak)—eshpak@utk.edu
- Chemistry—Michael Kilbey (skilbey)—mkilbey@utk.edu
- Earth and Planetary Sciences—Linda C. Kah (lckah)—lckah@utk.edu
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology—Stephanie Kivlin (skivlin)—skivlin@utk.edu
- English—Benjamin Lee (blee15)—blee15@utk.edu
- Geography and Sustainability—Qiusheng Wu (qwu18)—qwu18@utk.edu
- History—Tore Olsson (colsson)—colsson@utk.edu
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IDPG) – Linguistics—Yen-Chen Hao (yhao6)—yhao6@utk.edu
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IDPG) – Women, Gender and Sexuality—Nora Berenstain (nberenst)—nberenst@utk.edu
- Mathematics—Tim Schultze (tschulze)—tschulze@utk.edu
- Microbiology—Erik Zinser (ezinser)—ezinser@utk.edu
- Philosophy—Jonathan Garthoff (garthoff)—garthoff@utk.edu
- Physics and Astronomy—Steven Johnston (sjohn145)—sjohn145@utk.edu
- Political Science—Wonjae Hwang (whwang)—whwang@utk.edu
- Psychology, Clinical—Gregory Stuart (gstuart)—gstuart@utk.edu
- Psychology, Experimental—Daniela Corbetta (dcorbett)—dcorbett@utk.edu
- Psychology, Counseling—Joe Miles (jmiles10)—joemiles@utk.edu
- School of Art—Emily Bivens (ebivens)—ebivens@utk.edu
- Sociology—Lois Presser (lpresser)—lpresser@utk.edu
- Theatre—Kenton Yeager (kyeager2)—kyeager2@utk.edu
- World Languages and Cultures—Harrison Meadows (hmeadow1)—hmeadow1@utk.edu
- Communication and Information—Moonhee Cho (mcho4)—mcho4@utk.edu
- School of Information Sciences—Wade Bishop (bbisho13)—bbisho13@utk.edu
- Counseling, Human Development, and Family Science (Human Development and Family Science)—Spencer Olmstead (solmstea)—solmstea@utk.edu
- Counseling, Human Development, and Family Science (Counseling)—Melinda Gibbons (mgibbon2)—mgibbon2@utk.edu
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies—Jennifer Morrow (jamorrow)—jamorrow@utk.edu
- Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies—Angela Wozencroft (awozenc1)—awozenc1@utk.edu
- Nutrition—Katie Kavanagh (kkavanag)—kkavanag@utk.edu
- Public Health (MPH)—Jennifer Russomanno (jrussoma)—jrussoma@utk.edu
- Public Health (PhD)—Laurie Meschke (lmeschke)—llmeschke@utk.edu
- Retail, Hospitality and Tourism Management—Michelle Childs (mlchilds)—mlchilds@utk.edu
- Theory and Practice in Teacher Education—Joshua Kenna (jkenna)—jkenna@utk.edu
- College of Law—Michael Higdon (mhigdon3)—mhigdon3@utk.edu
- Master of Legal Studies—Tiffany Garner (tgarne13)—tgarne13@utk.edu
- Natalie L. Haslam College of Music—Angela Batey (abatey)—abatey@utk.edu
- College of Nursing—Allyson Neal (aneal7)—aneal7@utk.edu
- College of Social Work (DSW)—Sharon Bowland (sbowland)—sbowland@utk.edu
- College of Social Work (PhD)—Gretchen Ely (geely)—geely@utk.edu
- Social Work (MSSW Knoxville)—Ragan Schriver (rschriv1)—rschriv1@utk.edu
- Social Work (MSSW Online)—Robert Lucio (rlucio)—rlucio@utk.edu
- Social Work (MSSW Nashville)—Allison Buzard (abuzard)—abuzard@utk.edu
- Accounting (MAcc)—Robert Fuller (rfuller2)—rmfuller@utk.edu
- Accounting (PhD)—James Chyz (jchyz)—jchyz@utk.edu
- Business Analytics and Statistics (MS)—Bogdan Bichescu (bbichesc)—bbichesc@utk.edu
- Business Cybersecurity (MS)—Jama Summers (jsumme21)—jdsummers@utk.edu
- Economics—Georg Schaur (gschaur)—gschaur@utk.edu
- Finance—Matthew Serfling (mserflin)—mserflin@utk.edu
- IGSP—Russell Zaretzki (rzaretzk)—rzaretzk@utk.edu
- Management and Human Resources—Jackie Jacobs (jjacobs1)—jjacobs1@utk.edu
- Management Science PhD (PhD in Analytics)—Wenjun Zhou (wzhou4)—wzhou4@utk.edu
- Marketing (MS)—Mark Collins (gealach)—markcollins@utk.edu
- Marketing (PhD)—Jonathan Hasford (jhasford)—jhasford@utk.edu
- MBA (Aerospace and Defense)—Ben Skipper (bskipper)—bskipper@utk.edu
- MBA (Full-Time)—Mary Goss (mgoss5)—mgoss5@utk.edu
- MBA (Global Supply Chain)—Wendy Tate (wtate2)—wendy.tate@utk.edu
- MBA (Physician Executive, Healthcare Leadership)—Kate Atchley (eatchle1)—kateatchley@utk.edu
- MBA (Professional)—Molly Kinard (mbd)—molly@utk.edu
- MBA (Strategic Leadership)—Michael Grojean (mgrojean)—mgrojean@utk.edu
- Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Organizations PhD—David Williams (dwill117)—dwill117@utk.edu
- Supply Chain Management (MS)—Pam Donovan (pdonovan)—pdonovan@utk.edu
- Supply Chain Management (MS) – Tri-Continent—Tom Goldsby (tgoldsby)—tgoldsby@utk.edu
- Supply Chain Management (PhD)—Alex Scott (ascott79)—ascott79@utk.edu
- Agricultural and Resource Economics—Edward Yu (tyu1)—tyu1@utk.edu
- Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications—Carrie Stephens (cfritz)—cfritz@utk.edu
- Animal Science—Lannett Edwards (jedwards)—jedwards@utk.edu
- Biosystems Engineering—Daniel Yoder (dyoder)—dyoder@utk.edu
- Entomology and Plant Pathology—Bonnie Ownley (bownley)—bownley@utk.edu
- Environmental and Soil Sciences—Joe Zhuang (jzhuang)—jzhuang@utk.edu
- Food Science—Toni Wang (twang46)—twang46@utk.edu
- Plant Sciences—William Klingeman (wklingem)—wklingem@utk.edu
- School of Natural Resources—Neelam Poudyal (npoudyal)—npoudyal@utk.edu
- Public Policy and Administration—Su Su (xsu11)—xsu11@utk.edu
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering—Gila Stein (gstein4)—gstein4@utk.edu
- Civil and Environmental Engineering—Khalid Alshibli (alshibli)—alshibli@utk.edu
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science—Jens Gregor (jgregor)—jgregor@utk.edu
- Engineering Intellectual Property Law Graduate Certificate—Michael Danquah (ccn156)—mdanquah@utk.edu
- Industrial and Systems Engineering—James Ostrowski (jostrows)—jostrows@utk.edu
- Industrial and Systems Engineering (MS in Engineering Management)—Andrew Yu (ayu2)—ajyu@utk.edu
- Materials Science and Engineering—Yanfei Gao (ygao7)—ygao7@utk.edu
- Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering—Jeff Reinbolt (reinbolt)—reinbolt@utk.edu
- Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering (UTSI)—Trevor Moeller (tmoeller)—tmoeller@utk.edu
- Nuclear Engineering—Brian Wirth (bdwirth)—bdwirth@utk.edu
- Reliability and Maintainability—Bing Yao (byao3)—byao3@utk.edu
- Bredesen Center (Energy Science and Engineering)—Zhili Zhang (zzhang24)—zzhang24@utk.edu
- Bredesen Center (Data Science and Engineering)—Brynn Voy (bhjones)—bhjones@utk.edu
- Bredesen Center (Genome Science and Technology)—Todd Reynolds (treynol6)—treynol6@utk.edu
- Comparative and Experimental Medicine—Agricola Odoi (aodoi)—aodoi@utk.edu