National Postdoc Appreciation Week is an opportunity to recognize the significant contributions that postdoctoral scholars make in their research disciplines, in teaching, publications, grants, and more. While their mentored research and scholarly training is brief, their contributions bring great acclaim to the university, their college, their department, and their faculty mentors. This week celebrates postdocs through special events such as those hosted on UT’s campus.
For more information on the 14th Annual Celebration, visit the National Postdoc Association website.
Please contact gradschool@utk.edu with any questions about these events.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Postdocs at TRECS
Eric Harrell, Membership and Outreach Coordinator, RecSports
10–11am, Student Recreational and Fitness Center (TRECS)
Sponsored by RecSports
This event is for any UT postdocs who are interested in learning more about RecSports and the programming/opportunities available through campus recreation.
NPAW Kickoff
Julie Stufft, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs
1–2pm, Virtual
Sponsored by the National Postdoc Association (NPA)
Julie Stufft, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services in the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the U.S. State Department, will deliver the opening remarks and take your questions afterwards. Secretary Stufft helps lead the issuance of visas, including J-1 and H-1B, to foreign nationals to work in the United States. Join us to hear the latest developments at the State Department, including existing and new efforts to accelerate visa processes.
Engineering & STEM Job and Internship Fair
2–6pm, Student Union, Pilot Flying J Ballroom, Room 272
Sponsored by the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration (CCDAE)
The Engineering & STEM Job and Internship Fair presents an opportunity for those in engineering & STEM fields to see what careers are available. If you need accommodations, please reach out to Katie Wiley, Assistant Director, ASAP at kwiley@utk.edu.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Science Research Careers @National Labs
Jahi Simbai, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ilja Popovs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Samantha Erwin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
1–2pm, Virtual
In collaboration with Postdoc Office Leader NPA members
Considering a research career in a national lab? Find out more from folks at various career stages what it’s like to work at a national lab.
Register for the Science Research Careers event on Eventbrite
How to Have Outrageously Good Ideas
David Sholl, Executive Director of UTORII
2:30–3:30pm, Student Union Room 362B
Sponsored by UTORII
David Sholl is the Interim Executive Director of the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute. He is also the author of Success and Creativity in Scientific Research, based on a popular series of lectures he has given to graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty. Sholl will share his secrets to having outrageously good ideas.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Postdoc Appreciation Breakfast & Resource Fair
10–11:30am, Student Union, Pilot Flying J Ballroom, Room 272
Take a quick break to have a cup of coffee or tea and meet with folks on campus to learn more about the resources they have to offer postdocs. Please RSVP for the Postdoc Appreciation Breakfast and Resource Fair by Wednesday, September 13, at noon.
Cross-National Science Laboratory Elevator Speech Competition
noon–2pm, Virtual
Sponsored by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Attend an elevator speech competition among postdocs at three national science labs. Perhaps UT postdocs can compete in one at the 15th Annual NPAW. Please register as a participant by Thursday, September 7.
Understanding Your Individual Conflict Dynamics Profile
Duren Thompson, Educational Program Coordinator, Office of Ombuds Services
2–3:30pm, Virtual
Sponsored by Ombuds Services
This introspective workshop is designed to enhance your personal ability to navigate conflict. Based on a survey you complete prior to attending, you will discuss both helpful and unhelpful behaviors in conflict as well as the specific “hot buttons” that tend to draw out your unhelpful behaviors. This 90-minute workshop provides both in-depth information and an interactive debriefing of the overall results of your CDP survey.
Register for Understanding Your Individual Conflict Dynamics Profile
Launch Pad: Ideation for NSF’s Convergence Accelerator – Get the Early Bird Advantage
3:30-5pm, Virtual
Today’s wicked challenges require convergence: merging innovative ideas, approaches, and technologies from a diverse range of disciplines. The NSF Convergence Accelerator program maximizes convergence and innovation to fast-track basic research into usable solutions. This fall, we expect to be invited to submit new topics for NSF’s next cycle of Convergence Accelerator funding. If you’re even slightly interested, join us to learn more about this unique funding mechanism, identify topics for future solicitations, and potentially form new collaborations.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Best Practices for Presentations
Rachael Stanley, Learning Technology Specialist/Instructional Technologist, OIT
10–11am, Virtual
Sponsored by the Office of Innovative Technologies (OIT)
Getting ready for a class or conference presentation? Get tips on the best practices for designing, delivering, and assessing audience members in your presentations. Though focused primarily on Microsoft PowerPoint, we’ll also touch a bit on Google Slides and Microsoft Sway. We’ll give you tips on how to effectively use bullet points, find good-quality images, and how to organize your presentation to keep your audience awake, engaged, and see you as the expert, not your slides.
Postdocs & Pets
1–2:30pm, International House, Community Room,
Sponsored by HABIT
Postdocs can de-stress a bit with furry friends from HABIT, a community group of volunteers working together to explore the circumstances and consequences of the human-animal bond and to promote this valuable bond between people and animals. HABIT is composed of representatives from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, volunteers from the community, and private veterinary practitioners.
Take time to learn about the resources at the International House.
Transforming a Paper or Chapter into a Publishable Article
Kirsten Benson, Director, Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center
3:30–4:30pm, Virtual
Sponsored by the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center
This session offers practical suggestions for how to: reshape a course paper or thesis/dissertation chapter to fit the expectations and conventions of a scholarly article in your field; target a journal for your research work; understand what journal editors, reviewers, and readers want; and plan your next steps.
Register for Transforming a Paper or Chapter into a Publishable Article
Friday, September 22, 2023
Teatime with Title IX
Ashley Blamey, Director, Office of Title IX
9–10am, John C. Hodges Library, Mary E. Greer Room, Room 258
Sponsored by the Office of Title IX
Postdocs are invited to join Ashley Blamey, Title IX Coordinator, to learn more about the Office of Title IX and to share how we can improve our work to create and maintain a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment free from Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking), Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation. Join us for tea and pastries provided by the Office of Title IX.
Library Tours
Teresa Walker, Associate Dean for Learning, Research & Engagement
10–11am, John C. Hodges Library, Mary E. Greer Room, Room 258
Teresa Walker will be available to provide tours of the library for interested postdocs. She will be at the Mary Greer Room after Tea Time with Title IX to lead tours for those interested.
Science Policy Career Panel
Marcy Cockrell, Science Coordinator, NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture
Mehrab Sarwar, Recruitment Director, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Edward Ramos, Co-Founder and Director, Scripps Research Digital Trials Center (DTC)
Yvette Seger, Director of Strategic Scientific Program Advancement and Science Policy, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
1–2pm, Virtual
In collaboration with the Office of Postdoctoral Services at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Considering a career in science policy? Find out more from folks who have completed a science policy fellowship, how that has shaped their career trajectories, and where they are now.
Professional Headshot Photo Booth
1–4pm, John C. Hodges Library, The Studio
Sponsored by the UT Libraries
Sign up for a complimentary, high-quality headshot taken to take your personal brand to new heights. You’ll be able to use it on LinkedIn and other business platforms.
Postdoc Happy Hour
6pm, Creekside, 6729 Malone Creek Drive
In collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Association
Join postdocs from the Oak Ridge National Lab’s Postdoctoral Association for a social event at 6729 Malone Creek Drive. Creekside is a bit like a food truck park. Postdocs from the Oak Ridge Postdoctoral Association will have a sign.